A gloss or matt laminate finish in normally used for Business Cards, brochures or flyers. The finish assures a laminate coating like a transparent film or plastic. This will make the product more elegant and water resistant. A gloss finish is ultra shiny and it brings out the colour on the photos where as matt [...]
Why does your flyers must be prepared by a professional? Do not hesitate to invest in advertising your restaurant, shop or your insurance agency. Good publicity is essential to sustain your business. It is only through flyers that are prepared by a professional that will bring you potential customers. A graphic designer will choose the [...]
The first and fundamental step for each company to differentiate itself from other companies on the market is to design as appropriately unique image. A solid basis for the company’s image is definitely a perfectly thought-out graphic design. Nowadays the competition is so strong that one cannot fight back without the harmonious and well-planned development. [...]