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Undoubtedly, business cards are a very useful thing in our daily lives. The aesthetic and well-designed, effectively communicate your message, the company and its nature in a very discreet way. They will help you attract new customers, increase overall sales of the company. When designing a business card, you have to take not only the [...]
Varnish is a special method of selective decoration of paper, which can enhance a variety of items not highlighting them with color. The process of covering such a coating makes products such as leaflets, posters, business cards, etc. will look more elegant and professional. Differences in the attractiveness of the notice already for example, when [...]
Good project. If you do want to make your own printing project, it is worth to order a template from the print shop where you can later print your project. In order to avoid having problems later on, you should create your project according to their tips. On a template you may find: trim, cut [...]