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Modern printers look a little different today that they used to in past years. They are dominated by modern printing machines, which carry out work according to the latest technology and they do in a short period of time. Today, we all want to have a product immediately, so it is important to carry out [...]
Presentation Folders are very popular among the companies that are visited by their customers. Presentation Folders have been invented to carry loose papers and documents usually in A4 size. Presentation Folders are printed single or double sided on a thick, usually carton like paper. It is not only a great tool that will help you [...]
Today, many products such as flyers, business cards, catalogs, posters are printed in the CMYK color model. What does that mean? The CMYK color model is a subtractive color model, which forms the technical basis for the modern four-color printing. CMYK The acronym stands for the three color components: cyan, magenta, yellow and black content [...]