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From our earliest years, we have become victims of the invasion of advertising. Statistics show that every day the average person sees 3,000 advertisements a day. We spot them on the bus, in any waiting room, on stadiums and other public buildings. Flyers go to our mailboxes, posters are hung on the walls, and colorful [...]
Well designed and nicely printed business card speaks laud! Since laminated business cards can be used much longer than ordinary ones, they are more and more popular. Although the business card holds only the very basic information such as name and company contact details it can greatly help especially during the first interview and may [...]
People spend fortune on high-tech equipment, latest tools and then they want to advertise they business. What would be the best solution. Can you afford TV commercial ? That would be rather for a huge company but maybe you have tried promote your business in a local radio station? Is that too expensive? We would [...]