Good project. If you do want to make your own printing project, it is worth to order a template from the print shop where you can later print your project. In order to avoid having problems later on, you should create your project according to their tips. On a template you may find: trim, cut [...]
Calendars are used all the year round. They inform us about the current date, birthdays and other important events. Very often, changing the date by tearing off another page of our wall calendar will can spot an interesting recipe or some wise sayings. Wall calendars or even pocket ones are a great way to promote [...]
Presentation Folders are commonly used for carrying documents are an indispensable element in every office. The folder can be used in different ways, for example at home for variety of different documents. The standard size for Presentation Folder is ideal for storing A4 sheets. The Presentation Folders can be used as a promotional tool armed [...]