In spite of the fact that on our website you can find a rich offer of the products, you may also want to order some untypical product (untypical forms, quantity, paper weight, etc). It is enough to send us a demand by our website by precising what kind of product you are interested in.
This imposition of a thin foil on the paper’s surface. It is one of the fundamental forms of finishing in the printing industry. It can be performed using three methods: wet – with the glue, hot – where the glue is on the foil in a solid form and mixed technique – wet with adhesive [...]
Business cards are undeniably crucial tool of business marketing. Can you imagine going to a meeting without a few of them packed securely in a wallet or a special case? Do you know what are the sizes of the business cards? In the UK we use standard European size 55 x 85mm. In some European [...]