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Do you have a company logo or image you want to use the draft leaflets? Remember that many printers require that the images were accompanied by at least 300 dpi resolution. Resolution determines the number of points per unit area, expressed in dots per inch and maintains a close relationship between the number of pixels [...]
Today The history of printing dates from the Middle Ages, at that time the books were hand written. That role belonged to the monks in copying scriptoria in the ink and with quill pen clipped to each book. This work, of course, required hundreds of hours of work. Everything changed in the sixteenth century thanks [...]
The poster is a visual form of advertising that the recipient usually found on the streets of a size no smaller than A2. The poster is printed to one side (simplex) and is displayed in the locations visited by an audience. The poster is an advertisement, advertising, slogans included in an artistic print. Posters are [...]