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Letterhead stationery is often called headed paper. The typical range weight are 70-120gsm. In most cases, it is cut to A4 size and it can be overwritten with common printer or typewriter. The standard paper for letterhead is also called offset paper. Letterhead carry basic company information such as Company name, phone number, fax number, [...]
Modern printers look a little different today that they used to in past years. They are dominated by modern printing machines, which carry out work according to the latest technology and they do in a short period of time. Today, we all want to have a product immediately, so it is important to carry out [...]
Undoubtedly, business cards are a very useful thing in our daily lives. The aesthetic and well-designed, effectively communicate your message, the company and its nature in a very discreet way. They will help you attract new customers, increase overall sales of the company. When designing a business card, you have to take not only the [...]