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Calendars are used all the year round. They inform us about the current date, birthdays and other important events. Very often, changing the date by tearing off another page of our wall calendar will can spot an interesting recipe or some wise sayings. Wall calendars or even pocket ones are a great way to promote [...]
Flyers are good choice when you would like to put on it the general information, some pictures concerning your company. Choose the 70gms paper if you want to minimize the costs of the distribution. Choose the 135 gms paper which is the most popular option for direct marketing such as restaurant, pubs, music venues, discount [...]
Black text should always be composed entirely of black ink (100K). When planning your project done on the CMYK. Otherwise, your text will be printed with 4 colors that overlap one on another. If you save the text in 4 colors you may end up with blurry text. More text is smaller, it will be [...]