A5 form is a half of the A4 form. If you would like to print a flyer with this form your Artwork has to be prepared perfectly and posses the right dimension which is 150mm x 212mm. You need to remember that all the elements have to be placed 4 mm away from the trim [...]
Establishment of individual company associated with bearing the prices associated with different types of purchases and formalities. If we assume that we have to buy the store equipment, merchandise, we ordered a variety of advertising leaflets, flyers. The choice of such things at any time may cause lots of troubles because you have to look [...]
Calendars are present in almost every house and definitely in every company. We cannot imagine an office without a calendar haging on the wall or at least a small one on a desk. There are different types of calendars: photo wall calendars, desk calendars, poster calendars, wallet calendars. Calendars can be saddle stitched or bounded [...]